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Regional Chapters of The Doane Family Association

Click on the links to contact the chapter president
Click on the Newsletters in the sidebar to read about chapter activities.

Great Plains Chapter
President John Doan
Secretary/Treasurer Janis Mitchell

We welcome anyone with surnames Doane, Doan, Done, Donne, or variations, their spouses and descendants.

To contact the New York Chapter click here: New York Chapter

President Robert Doane, Vice President Craige Rogers,

 Historian Suzy Rogers, Treasurer Jeanne Rogers, Chaplain Shey Doane

The 108th annual Doane Reunion for the NY Chapter was held on July 31, 2011 at Dwyer Memorial Park in Little York, NY. Please visit our website

Click here to see report of the 106th Annual Meeting August 1, 2010!

Oregon-Washington-Idaho Chapter

Oklahoma Chapter

Ontario Chapter

President Gary Gilbert 905-895-2849, Secretary Cora Brodie 905-471-7147

Historian Harold Doan 519-941-5050, Membership Dr. Sharon Lipsit 905-332-0776

Southwest Ontario Chapter

On September 26th, 2012 a tree planting ceremony was held at Doan's Cemetery on 2nd concession in honour of the Queen's Jubilee. The Ontario Horticultural Society has awarded one tree to each of its nine districts. The Doan group in Port Colborne was one of the lucky receivers. We thought that since it had to celebrate the monarchy it would be most appropriate to plant the tree in the United Empire Loyalist cemetery here in Port Colborne. If you were at the International Reunion in Plymouth, Massachusetts you will remember the information about Jerry Fisher and his work in getting the cemetery recognized as a United Empire Loyalist Cemetery and that ultimately renamed  as the Doan's Cemetery.

  Pictures of the ceremony have been sent to the Queen for the official Jubilee recordbook. 

Great Lakes/Michigan Chapter

President Mary Ann Sindt, Vice President Marvin DeWitt,

Historian/Secretary Arlene Thompson, Treasurer/Chaplin Wm. Fineout,

We meet on the opposite year as the National DFA Reunion.
So that would be the odd years.
Our reunions take place in Lansing on the 4th Saturday of July

California Del Norte Chapter

President Eunice Brabec, Treasurer Susan Hofman

California Chapter

Southeast Ohio Chapter

New Jersey-Pennsylvania-Maryland Chapter
President & Secretary: Donna Doane Andrews
Vice President and Membership: Joan Doane
Past President: Ellen Doan
Member at Large:Dianne Doan

New England Chapter

Photos of 2007 gathering on Cape Cod

2015 Restoration of Abigail Doane Lothrop Gravestone